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Dear Diary, Videos & Blogs

Natalie Bonkowski
Jan 2, 20231 min read
Day 31 - Conclusion & Recap
Jesus really is the answer to everything, if we will just put Him first in our lives. Let's reflect back on all the ways we can focus...

Natalie Bonkowski
Dec 31, 20221 min read
Day 30 - Find Freedom with Jesus
How can we focus more on Christ? Let’s do all the things to focus on Christ and get so close to Jesus that we find our freedom. Freedom...

Natalie Bonkowski
Dec 30, 20221 min read
Day 29 – Start Something New
How can we focus more on Christ? Let’s start something new or make change this upcoming year. We are days away from a new year. Let’s...

Natalie Bonkowski
Dec 29, 20221 min read
Day 28 – Start a Gratitude Journal
How can we focus more on Christ? We talked about being thankful on Day 6 of our journey to focus more on Christ. Depending on life’s...

Natalie Bonkowski
Dec 28, 20222 min read
Day 27 – Seek Him Big and Small
How can we focus more on Christ? Many years ago, I thought that Sunday was the only day of the week to focus on Jesus. That’s the day...

Natalie Bonkowski
Dec 27, 20221 min read
Day 26 – Scripture Memorization
How can we focus more on Christ? Scripture memorization is great thing we can do to focus on Christ. It is time spent reading and hearing...

Natalie Bonkowski
Dec 25, 20221 min read
Day 25 – Merry Christmas – Thank you Jesus
How can we focus more on Christ? Let’s spend the day remembering what this day is all about and thank Him all throughout the day! Today...

Natalie Bonkowski
Dec 24, 20221 min read
Day 24 – Peace & Presence
How can we focus more on Christ? The holidays are a time for family and friends. Our community of family and friends were chosen by God....

Natalie Bonkowski
Dec 24, 20221 min read
Day 23 – Have Joy
How can we focus on Christ? Let’s talk Happiness vs Joy Happiness – The external state of being happy. Happiness is dependent on the...

Natalie Bonkowski
Dec 23, 20222 min read
Day 22 – Know Who You Are
How can we focus more on Christ? Know your Design. This is my favorite topic! Each one of us is a uniquely designed creation by God...

Natalie Bonkowski
Dec 22, 20221 min read
Day 21 - Recap
How can we focus more on Christ? Day 1 – Pray Day 2 – Read the Bible Day 3 – Christian Friends Day 4 – Move Day 5 – Have Faith Day 6 –...

Natalie Bonkowski
Dec 21, 20221 min read
Day 20 – Schedule Time with Jesus
How can we focus more on Christ? Schedule time with Jesus and don’t move Him to the next day. I love my planner. I am old school and like...

Natalie Bonkowski
Dec 20, 20222 min read
Day 19 – Call a Friend & Ask How You Can Pray for Them Today
How can we focus more on Christ? A few years ago, I was part of a group and was assigned a prayer partner. Here’s a post I explaining my...

Natalie Bonkowski
Dec 19, 20222 min read
Day 18 – Eliminate Distractions
How can we focus more on Christ? The first thing I learned in health coaching school was we must clear the clutter before making changes...

Natalie Bonkowski
Dec 18, 20222 min read
Day 17 – Listen & Be Obedient
How can we focus more on Christ? I like to have a word or words for the upcoming year, like setting a theme for the year. There have been...

Natalie Bonkowski
Dec 17, 20222 min read
Day 16 – Serve One Another
How can we focus more on Christ? God loves it when we serve one another! John 13:1-17 Jesus Washes His Disciples’ Feet 13 Before the...

Natalie Bonkowski
Dec 16, 20221 min read
Day 15 - Focus on Him Recap 12-15-22
Pray - Read the Bible - Christian Friends - Move - Have Faith - Thank Him - Let Go & Let God - Church - Positive Words - Gifts -...

Natalie Bonkowski
Dec 15, 20221 min read
Day 14 – Worship
How can we focus more on Christ? Spending more time in worship has been on my heart the last few years. I desire to worship and be in...

Natalie Bonkowski
Dec 14, 20222 min read
Day 13 – Fasting
How can we focus more on Christ? Definition of Fasting (Britannica): fasting, abstinence from food or drink or both for health,...

Natalie Bonkowski
Dec 13, 20222 min read
Day 12 – Forgiveness
How can we focus more on Christ? This is another tough one. This may be the hardest one of all. But don’t stop reading, hear me out. I...
Through the years, I have learned that those around me and the things that I hear and see, have a great impact on my life. I have chosen to listen and read positive words each day. I have also found that listening to others who have my same struggles and knowing that I am not alone, help me get along the day as well. I hope to share my life, the things I am reading and listening for you to realize you are not alone and that there is hope. It's a mean ol' world, but with friends, mentors, and Jesus, we can make it!
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