How can we focus more on Christ?
The holidays are a time for family and friends. Our community of family and friends were chosen by God. He put people in our path that have become our friends and He allowed us to be born, married, or adopted into particular families. We are built for community.
Some people look forward to time with family and others may dread it due to loss, pain, or family differences. There are many different emotions that come up during this time.
Whatever emotions we are feeling this holiday, lean on Christ. Go to Him in prayer and ask for a joyous celebration, peace in conflict, and strength to handle whatever the day ahead holds.
Ask God how to be present in these times. Some family time may be busy and chaotic, but take time to look your family and friends in the eyes and have good meaningful conversation.
Whether you are excited or distressed over this holiday season, take some deep breaths, and go enjoy the community you were given.
Merry Christmas Eve!
