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Dear Diary & Videos

Writer's pictureNatalie Bonkowski

Day 17 – Listen & Be Obedient

How can we focus more on Christ?

I like to have a word or words for the upcoming year, like setting a theme for the year. There have been a few words that come to mind for the upcoming 2023 year, Faithful & Obedient and Worship & Praise. Unless something changes between now and December 31st, these are my words for 2023.

I have already written about Worship this month. It’s been on my heart the last few years. I have already been taking actions to spend more time in worship by spending more time in praise and worship in church and in my walks with the music turned up. I will continue that path.

Let’s talk about Faithful and Obedient. God calls us to things, are we doing them? Do you ever get little nudges that tell you to do something? It’s usually something that’s positive, benefits someone else, or just feel like the right thing to do.

Two questions to ponder this day.

1. Do you hear Him?

2. Do you take action?

If we are not hearing Him, then we must spend more time in the Bible and in prayer. Even if we feel lost in what we are reading or just don’t understand, we just must read.

Take Action! I’m much better at reading the Bible than taking action. Sometimes it feels the task or thing we are called to is just too hard. I have learned that God shows up just when you need Him. If He called you to it, He will get you through it.

I put off teaching a Revelation Wellness fitness class for two years after I completed training. I had plenty of excuses. I am out of shape. I am an accountant, not a fitness teacher. I don’t have the space or the time. It’s just not me. But God has other plans. Maybe I’ll wrap up the month of December classes and that will be it. Or maybe He will call me to host more? I don’t know. I have to stay in the Word, pray, and do my best to be obedient. (And BTW, He has helped me through every single class. He's given me the words and the strength to make it through each class. It has been such a blessing to share His word while moving our bodies.)

What is God calling you to today? It can be something as simple as helping a neighbor or assisting with a Sunday School class? What’s on your heart? He is ready to use you!!!


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