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Dear Diary, Videos & Blogs

Natalie Bonkowski
Mar 8, 20191 min read
Down-Time is IMPORTANT!
When's the last time you had a really good idea? Has it been awhile? Maybe you just need some down time for the creativity to flow :)...

Natalie Bonkowski
Feb 6, 20194 min read
The Tortoise and the Hare - update on me
I was talking with a friend about keto birthday cakes. Her husband is keto, and she wanted to make him something sweet. As we talked, our...

Natalie Bonkowski
Nov 26, 20181 min read
Seasons Change...
Hallelujah! There was something that stuck with me after church this week. Our pastor was talking about how light always comes after...

Natalie Bonkowski
Oct 5, 20184 min read
What's Stopping You From Getting What You Want?
What keeps stopping me from getting from point A to point B? What is holding me back from doing and getting what I want in life?...

Natalie Bonkowski
Sep 12, 20181 min read
Have To vs. Get To
Sharing my thoughts on a Tuesday. Working on shifting my thought process from "have to" to "get to." It's amazing how much better life is...

Natalie Bonkowski
Sep 11, 20182 min read
Hiding in the Jacket
The last few years, I am cold all the time. Any place cooler than 75 degrees and I am cold. I typically wear a sweater in the office. But...

Natalie Bonkowski
Sep 5, 20183 min read
Worrying about the To-Do-List & My Journey
This is probably something I blog about too much…but my biggest struggle in life besides losing weight is time. I always run out of time....

Natalie Bonkowski
Aug 23, 20184 min read
I got caught!
It went something like this…. Daughter: What are you eating? (I was alone in the kitchen.) Me: Some icing. Daughter: You know that’s not...

Natalie Bonkowski
Aug 8, 20181 min read
Whittle, Whittle
My attempt at rhyming. The message is dear to my heart. Read on... "Your heart should change first, or you'll waste a good fight." -...

Natalie Bonkowski
Jul 30, 20181 min read
Thank you & Word of the Week:Kind
I woke up this morning & thought...what the heck did I do yesterday? I shared my deepest darkest secret with social media. My struggles...

Natalie Bonkowski
Jul 28, 20183 min read
My Relationship with My Scale
That stupid square thing you step on and a number appears on the screen. That number seems to pop up from the floor and hit you in the...

Natalie Bonkowski
Jul 28, 20183 min read
Five Years Ago...A Stage, a Bikini and a Tan
Five years ago, yesterday, I walked on stage in a bikini and dark tan for a transformation contest. I worked really hard the 6 months...

Natalie Bonkowski
Jul 25, 20183 min read
What is a Health Coach?
Listen, I avoided "coaches" in school because I didn't like P.E. Running wasn't my thing. When I hear the term "coach" I think of a PE...

Natalie Bonkowski
Jul 18, 20182 min read
Listen to your Body-It talks!
Quick post on how important it is to 1. Realize your body is different than everyone else, and 2. Listen to your body when it talks. Over...

Natalie Bonkowski
Jul 15, 20181 min read
Love is the Answer
Have you ever heard this statement? "Gotta love yourself first before you can lose weight and keep it off?" It took me a really long time...

Natalie Bonkowski
Jun 27, 20182 min read
This One Took me a Day to Decide to Upload
Ok, here we go. Sharing my story in hopes to help others. I don't really want to share this stuff. It's hard for me. It's hard to share....

Natalie Bonkowski
Jun 18, 20181 min read
Workout 6-18-18
Short workouts are my favorite. Workouts under 20 minutes have made major transformations for me in my past. Sometimes less is more!...

Natalie Bonkowski
Jun 18, 20182 min read
Yes, I know I'm crazy
Dear Diary: This week I did something that is out of the norm for me. Most of you will think, I am crazy. How does she even think this is...

Natalie Bonkowski
Jun 7, 20181 min read
Overwhelmed & Giving up Control
My love of to-do lists and schedules always get me in trouble. I tend to get overwhelmed and then paralysis sets in. I haven't posted to...

Natalie Bonkowski
May 21, 20182 min read
Word of the Week: Healthy x2
I declare a repeat of "Healthy" from last week. Taking care of our bodies and its needs are really important. I also failed in the...
Through the years, I have learned that those around me and the things that I hear and see, have a great impact on my life. I have chosen to listen and read positive words each day. I have also found that listening to others who have my same struggles and knowing that I am not alone, help me get along the day as well. I hope to share my life, the things I am reading and listening for you to realize you are not alone and that there is hope. It's a mean ol' world, but with friends, mentors, and Jesus, we can make it!
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