I am so excited to host a Revelation Wellness® Sugar Fast small group in January. It's a time to reset the body and mind and grow closer to Christ.
I would love you to join me for this 21 day fast starting January 11th. The fast will consist of daily devotionals, information, prayers, and workouts from Revelation Wellness®. I will host a private Facebook group for us to share, support and pray for each other.
Official signups start Monday, December 21. You can learn more about the 21 day fast here:
Revelation Wellness® asks for a suggested $10 donation (tax-deductible). Please pray about this and see if this is something you feel led to participate in this year.
Once you signup, message me and I’ll add you to my Facebook group. I’m so excited to walk this journey with you!
Please note this is not a “diet plan” and I’m not doing this to see how many pounds I can drop. This fast is intended to grow my relationship with Christ and give my body a reset after the sugary holidays.