Dear Diary,
Note to self: When the day comes (I'm sure soon) when my mind makes a decision that it shouldn't get up and move, then, "Natalie, listen to this Facebook teaching/podcast:"
Or google the podcast Revelation Wellness #568 Teaching Episode-Why Exercise Matters by Alisa Keeton
This teaching from Alisa Keeton really spoke to me. I love all her teachings on the brain and movement. There's just too much good stuff in this one to give a complete summary, but if you have ANY motivation issues around exercise, please take the time to listen to this teaching above.
My notes:
Exercise improves mood, motivation, focus, and memory.
Movement increases the size of the brain.
It takes 63 days of thinking differently to change the brain.
Embrace the suck, and do the work!
My takeaway:
We have to embrace the suck and just force self to get moving. Once moving: We are happier. We have motivation to keep moving the next day and motivation to keep plugging along at all of life's callings. We can focus more clearly and therefore do a better job of the task at hand. We have a better memory, in which I desperately need, as I have noticed my memory starting to struggle.
If I just move, I am able to jump out of the hamster wheel and really take off and go and do the things I was meant to do. I am no longer stuck. Moving breaks the "stuck."
Research show us that 63 days is required for our brain to realize that moving is a "get-to" and necessity of life rather than a have-to and a "I don't want to. "
My commitment to "EMBRACE THE SUCK, AND DO THE WORK," can change everything for the better.
