How can we focus more on Christ?
Are we using our God given gifts? God wants us to use the gifts He gave us. Earlier this year I wrote about my son’s athletic gifts. It’s a great reminder to use our gifts! What are your gifts?
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Here are few truths we speak and believe in our house:
*That talent, that gift, that ability in the weight room, on the field or on the track is not achieved with personal strength or personal power. Our abilities are gifts from God, unique and individual to each of us.
*Our gifts are meant to be used, not hidden. We are responsible for nurturing, growing, and working these gifts that we have been blessed with.
*Our God is in control of all things. If we are in a season of winning, then praise God! If we are in a season of difficulty, then praise God! He is in control and everything that happens in our life is part of our journey, our story.
*We believe the tougher our trials, the more God is showing us to depend on Him. While He gave us physical and mental strength, we are limited by our abilities and trusting and believing in God for help is the only way.
*Our gift can be stripped away at any minute. We talk about this often in our home. If the day comes that we lose our #1 ability or talent, it will be difficult, but we know that God’s plan is bigger than we can dream up.
*We pray first because we are not in this life alone. There is never “pressure” to accomplish something on our own. Let’s use what abilities God has given us, pray, put in some work, and do our best. (And if we start to feel pressure, we pray more, and remember that it would be selfish to think that the ability we have is about us, it’s about God. A gift we get to use!)
*We believe our worth, that feeling of belonging, does not come from accomplishments, winning, or pats on the back. Our worth comes from God and God only. We are God’s children and that alone makes us worthy and accepted. God loves us so much. He chose us and designed every little detail on each of us. We accept our Father’s love and know that whatever failures we endure, they do not define us, and our God still loves us.
*Finally, we pray for God to use those gifts for His glory. Our purpose here on earth is to glorify God. I pray that Tyler’s love for football and his athletic gifts are not used for personal gains, or self-worth, or a feeling of righteousness. I pray God gets the credit. I pray God shows Tyler how He can be a light for Him on and off that football field.
Thank you, Lord, for each of our unique, individual gifts! Something to think about: What are your gifts, abilities, something you do well? How are you using them? I’m talking to us grown-ups! It’s never too late to use those gifts that He gave us!
Musician? Artist? Leader? Teacher? Cooking? Baking? Builder? Cleaning? Organizer? Good at Math? Dancing? Public Speaker? Writer? Good at games? Memorizing? Listening? Designing? People Person? Gardener? Photographer? Full of patience? Are you a hard worker? Do you have a determined attitude? Can you make people smile? Can you be a good friend? How can you use your hands? Your mind?
How can you use these abilities for God’s Glory?
1 Corinthians 12: 4-6-Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of service, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who empowers them all in everyone.
1 Corinthians 10:31-So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.
1 Peter 4:10 -As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace.
