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I thoroughly enjoyed working with Natalie for the past twelve weeks. She gave me invaluable tools to better myself while encouraging me all the while. Our visits were comfortable, eye opening and uplifting! She helped me to view daily obstacles in a different light, thus helping me to create new and healthy habits. Among other things, I now crave ice water and look forward to my daily walk! I know that change is a journey, and not just a destination. I feel confident that I can take what I have learned and continue on my path, and know that Natalie will always be there for me if I begin to stumble and fall. I highly recommend Health Coaching with Natalie.


Taylor, Texas

By visiting with Natalie each week, I am beginning to understand what is meant by listening to my body. I now have some tools I need to slow down when eating, control portion sizes, and stop before becoming overfull. I actually placed a napkin over those extra french fries and brought home the uneaten, unwanted half of my wrap! Natalie's encouragement and positive attitude are beneficial to my realization that," It's a marathon, not a sprint."
I'm exercising more and plan to continue walking and riding the fitness bike, as well as using a fitbit to track my progress. I plan to keep up the good work.
Thank you, Natalie!


Taylor, Texas

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